
Aside from the traders or liquidity providers who use and interact with the protocol, there are other roles in the system that are crucial in shaping the maintainability and stability of Increment, listed below:

Governance: 0xcce2065c1DC423451530BF7B493243234Ba1E849 [This is the address of the on-chain governor, which would become the governance address once the protocol is deployed]

The governance address is owned by the Increment community that governs the protocol, it can perform the following actions:

  • Add a trading pair to the list of supported markets with the allowListPerpetual function.

  • Set key protocol economic parameters.

  • Add a new token to the list of allowlisted ERC20 tokens which can be used as collateral.

  • Remove some of the insurance funds collected when traders open/extend positions with the removeInsurance function. It's important to note that the insurance amount must be above the insurance ratio of the TVL in the vault to allow governance to withdraw funds. The insurance quota measures the percentage of TVL that should be held in insurance reserves and can be changed by governance.

Emergency Admin: 0x4f05E10B7e60D5b18c38a723d9469b4962C288D9

The Emergency Admin address is owned by a multisig, which is currently made up of 7 core contributors and governance delegates of the Increment protocol. It can solely perform the following three actions:

  • Put the protocol (or a single perpetual market) on pause if it's active (with the pause function) or unpause it if it's locked (with the unpause function).

  • Pause or unpause the opening of trading positions with the toggleTradingExpansionPause function. This does not have any affect on closing or reducing trading positions nor liquidity provision positions.

  • Curve's CryptoSwap markets on which Increment relies to operate sometimes generate "dust" during swaps. Dust describes very small amounts of market tokens that can't be swapped in the pool, e.g. 2 or 3 units of vUSD. These dust amounts are collected by the protocol. sellDust is the function by which the manager can sell the collated dust amounts on the market.

Additional details on the governance and emergency admin roles are listed in the tables below:

ClearingHouse Contract

Perpetual Contract

Insurance Contract

Oracle Contract

Vault Contract

EcosystemReserve Contract

RewardDistributor Contracts

Including the PerpRewardDistributor and SMRewardDistributor contracts

PerpRewardDistributor Contract

SMRewardDistributor Contract

SafetyModule Contract

AuctionModule Contract

StakedToken Contract

Last updated