Inherits: IRewardDistributor, RewardController
Author: webthethird
Abstract contract responsible for accruing and distributing rewards to users for providing liquidity to perpetual markets (handled by PerpRewardDistributor) or staking tokens (with the SafetyModule)
Inherits from RewardController, which defines the RewardInfo data structure and functions allowing governance to add/remove reward tokens or update their parameters, and implements IRewardContract, the interface used by the ClearingHouse to update user rewards any time a user's position is updated
State Variables
Address of the reward token vault
Rewards accrued and not yet claimed by user
First address is user, second is reward token
Total rewards accrued and not claimed by all users
Address is reward token
Latest LP/staking positions per user and market
First address is user, second is the market
Reward accumulator for market rewards per reward token, as a number of reward tokens per LP/staked token
First address is reward token, second is the market
Reward accumulator value per reward token when user rewards were last updated
First address is user, second is reward token, third is the market
Timestamp of the most recent update to the per-market reward accumulator
Total LP/staked tokens registered for rewards per market
RewardDistributor constructor
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the EcosystemReserve contract, which holds the reward tokens |
Rewards accrued and not yet claimed by user
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the user |
| Address of the reward token |
Name | Type | Description |
| Rewards accrued and not yet claimed by user |
Total rewards accrued and not claimed by all users
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token |
Name | Type | Description |
| Total rewards accrued and not claimed by all users |
Latest LP/staking positions per user and market
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the user |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Stored position of the user in the market |
Reward accumulator for market rewards per reward token, as a number of reward tokens per LP/staked token
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Number of reward tokens per LP/staking token |
Reward accumulator value per reward token when user rewards were last updated
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the user |
| Address of the reward token |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Number of reward tokens per Led token when user rewards were last updated |
Gets the timestamp of the most recent update to the per-market reward accumulator
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Timestamp of the most recent update to the per-market reward accumulator |
Total LP/staked tokens registered for rewards per market
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Stored total number of tokens per market |
Adds a new reward token
Can only be called by governance
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token |
| Initial inflation rate for the new token |
| Initial reduction factor for the new token |
| Addresses of the markets to reward with the new token |
| Initial weights per market for the new token |
Removes a reward token from all markets for which it is registered
Can only be called by governance
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token to remove |
Fetches and stores the caller's LP/stake positions and updates the total liquidity in each of the provided markets
Can only be called once per user, only necessary if user was an LP prior to this contract's deployment
Name | Type | Description |
| Addresses of the markets to sync with |
Accrues and then distributes rewards for all markets and reward tokens and returns the amount of rewards that were not distributed to the user
Accrues and then distributes rewards for all markets and reward tokens and returns the amount of rewards that were not distributed to the user
Non-reentrant because _distributeReward
transfers reward tokens to the user
Updates the reward accumulators for a given market
Executes when any of the following values are changed:
initial inflation rate per token,
reduction factor per token,
reward weights per market per token,
liquidity in the market
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the market |
Accrues rewards to a user for a given market
Assumes user's position hasn't changed since last accrual, since updating rewards due to changes in position is handled by updatePosition
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the market to accrue rewards for |
| Address of the user |
Distributes accrued rewards from the ecosystem reserve to a user for a given reward token
Checks if there are enough rewards remaining in the ecosystem reserve to distribute, updates totalUnclaimedRewards
, and returns the amount of rewards that were not distributed
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token |
| Address of the user to distribute rewards to |
| Amount of rewards to distribute |
Name | Type | Description |
| Amount of rewards that were not distributed |
Gets the current balance of a reward token in the ecosystem reserve
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the reward token |
Name | Type | Description |
| Balance of the reward token in the ecosystem reserve |
Registers a user's pre-existing position for a given market
User should have a position predating this contract's deployment, which can only be registered once
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the user to register |
| Address of the market for which to register the user's position |
Gets the number of markets to be used for reward distribution
Markets are the perpetual markets (for the PerpRewardDistributor) or staked tokens (for the SafetyModule)
Name | Type | Description |
| Number of markets |
Gets the address of a market at a given index
Markets are the perpetual markets (for the PerpRewardDistributor) or staked tokens (for the SafetyModule)
Name | Type | Description |
| Index of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the market |
Gets the index of an allowlisted market
Markets are the perpetual markets (for the PerpRewardDistributor) or staked tokens (for the SafetyModule)
Name | Type | Description |
| Index of the market in the allowlist |
Name | Type | Description |
| Index of the market in the market list |
Returns the current position of the user in the market (i.e., perpetual market or staked token)
Name | Type | Description |
| Address of the user |
| Address of the market |
Name | Type | Description |
| Current position of the user in the market |
Last updated