Token Distribution & Vesting

At genesis, 20 million INCR tokens will be minted on Ethereum mainnet. The INCR token has a fixed token supply. The total supply of INCR tokens will be distributed and vested as follows:

Please refer to this INCR Token Proposal spreadsheet for an overview of all distribution numbers.

Community Emissions

9,200,000 INCR is allocated for future token emissions for protocol users. Note that the exact emissions schedule has not been set. This amount should only be used with a mandate from the Increment community, where the mandate is granted by completing the appropriate governance proposal and voting processes.

Community Distribution

There will be three community distributions in total. 400,000 INCR is distributed in the first phase and will be available immediately to the community. The second phase will distribute 500,000 tokens to the community within the first year of launch. And the third phase will distribute another 1,500,000 tokens to the community within the second year of launch.


800,000 INCR is allocated for ecosystem grants, partnerships, etc to further grow the Increment ecosystem. This allocation is vested linearly for 2 years.

Core Contributors

3,000,000 INCR is allocated to current and future core contributor teams of the protocol. This allocation is locked for the first year, then begins a 4 year linear vesting schedule.

Seed Investors

3,120,000 INCR is allocated to seed investors who supported the beginnings of the protocol as well as its growth process. This allocation is locked for the first 9 months, then begins a 18 month linear vesting schedule.

Development Fund

1,480,000 INCR is allocated to the Development Fund to support future development costs or fundraises of the protocol. This allocation is vested linearly for 4 years.

The graph below can be found in the detailed breakdown of token supply spreadsheet linked above - it is an approximation of the initial 8 year token release schedule. *Note that the exact “Community Emissions” has not been set, and will be determined at a later time with the community.

Vesting Wallets

Last updated